Thermal projection shielding in teeth flanks of a sugar cane mill drainer of a sugar factory


  • Segundo M. Espín Lagos Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Jorge P. Guamanquispe Toasa Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Diana C. Coello-Fiallos Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Jorge A. Paredes Zumbana Universidad Técnica de Ambato



shielding, thermal projection, hardness, life span, failure probability


Shielding was performed on the flanks of teeth of a cane mill by means of the flame thermal projection technique using the Eutalloy 11496 micropulverized alloy. The material of the toner is AISI 1045 steel and the surface of shielding was prepared by the jet process with abrasive material of volcanic nature, in order to achieve an optimum anchorage surface for the alloy. Next, in software, iterations of the thickness of the shield were realized with the purpose of determining its useful life and through the distribution of Weibull we estimated the function of reliability and the function of probability of failure, considering a complete harvest of 240 days.



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How to Cite

Espín Lagos, S. M., Guamanquispe Toasa, J. P., Coello-Fiallos, D. C., & Paredes Zumbana, J. A. (2017). Thermal projection shielding in teeth flanks of a sugar cane mill drainer of a sugar factory. Enfoque UTE, 8(4), pp. 1 - 15.


