Sustainable management for the production of biofungicides and strengthening of the Venezuelan agricultural bio-inputs sector


  • Griselda Tamara Colmenares Lima Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Miguel Asdrúbal Arcia Montezuma Universidad Central de Venezuela



management; biofungicides; sustainability.


The purpose of this work was the design of a management proposal for the production of biofungicides, based on international standards related to quality, environment and safety, and occupational health, aiming at strengthening the Venezuelan agricultural bio-inputs sector, in the production of excellent quality products obtained under sustainable production schemes. A diagnosis was made to establish the conformities of the current management of the laboratories dedicated to this activity with the provisions in the standards, besides of a situational diagnosis for the adoption of the proposal. It is an applied investigation, of field and level of descriptive study; the data were collected between April-September 2018 using the survey and structured observation as techniques, and the questionnaire and checklists as instruments. A sustainable management model was generated to promote the adequacy of the organization's task and being, with the duty to be, constituting an input to lay the foundations that propitiate the national and international recognition of the laboratories and platform, to ensure compliance with the requirements of the registration process, mainly in relation to quality assurance, safety conditions of the production process, required documentation and evaluation of the product.



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Author Biographies

Griselda Tamara Colmenares Lima, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Master in Environmental Management. Agronomist Engineer Professor Dedicated to Exclusive Dedication of the Central University of Venezuela.

Miguel Asdrúbal Arcia Montezuma, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Agronomist Engineer. Doctor of Philosophy in Crop Science, Genetics of resistance to pests and diseases in Plants. Retired Associate Professor at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV)


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How to Cite

Colmenares Lima, G. T., & Arcia Montezuma, M. A. (2019). Sustainable management for the production of biofungicides and strengthening of the Venezuelan agricultural bio-inputs sector. Enfoque UTE, 10(1), pp. 26 - 40.


