Design of a linear microwave amplifier for X-Band carriers


  • CRISTHIAN CASTRO-PEÑAHERRERA Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  • CARLOS ALBERTO SERRA JIMENEZ Universidad Técnica de Ambato



transmission lines, SWR, reflection coefficient, S-parameters


In the present article, are exposed the results obtained in the design of a linear microwave amplifier for X-band carriers. Fundamentally, shows the contributions made in the techniques of implementation of high frequency amplifier circuits based on  transistors of GaN HEMT technology;  as well as the elaboration of polarization lines and adaptation ports, stability control and gains in the desired frequency range. It should be noted the use of free software tools for the characterization of the transistor through its S parameters and the geometry of the transmission lines of the circuit.


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Author Biographies

CRISTHIAN CASTRO-PEÑAHERRERA, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Ing en Electrónica y Comunicaciones

CARLOS ALBERTO SERRA JIMENEZ, Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Ing MSC, docente de la Facultad de Ingeniería en Sistemas, Electrónica e Industrial de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato


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How to Cite

CASTRO-PEÑAHERRERA, C., & SERRA JIMENEZ, C. A. (2018). Design of a linear microwave amplifier for X-Band carriers. Enfoque UTE, 9(1), pp. 12 – 24.



Automation and Control, Mechatronics, Electromechanics, Automotive