Aerodynamic design of 100 KW blades for horizontal axis wind turbines located on the “Cerro Villonaco” zone


  • Alexy Fabián Vinueza Lozada Independent
  • Jorge Andrés Narváez Hidalgo Independent



aerodynamic, simulation; rotor; wind turbine; parque eólico.


In this paper, the design and aerodynamic simulation of a rotor for horizontal axis wind turbine for the Cerro Villonaco was carried out. The aerodynamic design aimed for a blade with an optimal geometry, which is defined by the chord and the twist angle of the airfoil. The design parameters conferred to the project were given by the characteristics of the wind in the Villonaco Wind Farm. Results were validated with an aerodynamic simulation, developed in a software employing the mathematical model known as blade element momentum theory, to verify its optimum performance against the requirements established with a TSR, with the goal to set a design method for subsequent investigations. Finally, a rotor analysis was carried out, obtaining an output mechanical power of 107 KW, thus corroborating the design power with the characteristics of the Villonaco Wind Farm.


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How to Cite

Vinueza Lozada, A. F., & Narváez Hidalgo, J. A. (2018). Aerodynamic design of 100 KW blades for horizontal axis wind turbines located on the “Cerro Villonaco” zone. Enfoque UTE, 9(3), pp. 106 – 115.



Automation and Control, Mechatronics, Electromechanics, Automotive