Estimated cost of electricity with time horizon for micro grids based on the policy response of demand for real price of energy
Energy Management; Electric tariffs; Real Energy Price; Smart Grids; Demand Response.Abstract
The intelligent microgrids are an efficient alternative, which allows to supply the demand decreasing the losses of the electrical system and at the same time; the environment and the consumers are the main beneficiaries. This article develops a heuristic based on an energy management model based on the real price of electricity, which will allow end users to encourage the implementation of a policy of response to demand, in order to optimize their consumption, for which a micro smart grid is analyzed, with conventional and non-conventional renewable generation, In addition, a mechanism of "real energy price" will be implemented as a policy of response to demand, with the aim of optimizing the costs of energy that will be transferred to users depending on the stratum to which it belongs, these costs will have a short-term horizon with hourly intervals, achieving a reduction in the purchase of energy from the system
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