Design and Implementation of an Automated Management Platform for P2P Transactions with Electronic Money


  • Andrés Alcocer Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE
  • Gonzalo Olmedo Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE



Electronic money, smart solutions, person to person, P2P, electronic payments management


Electronic money is a payment tool implemented by the Ecuador’s Central Bank, it allows people to make commercial transactions using their cellphones; it can be used to pay into big chain stores like supermarkets, known as "macro agents", but it also can be employed for the consumption of goods and services into particular businesses such as restaurants or small shops by using “person to person” transfers known as P2P. However, the particular businesses present some disadvantages compared to the macro agents, the main one is the lack of a system that allows them to have a record of the transactions made with electronic money. This article details the design and implementation of a technological platform that allows all types of businesses and people to keep records of their P2P transactions into an automated system with the ability of generating payment’s balance sheets which can be easily viewed through Internet. A research was conducted in order to look for the most efficient technical solution to optimize the available resources. The use of this platform as an external tool extends the capabilities currently provided by the electronic money system.


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How to Cite

Alcocer, A., & Olmedo, G. (2016). Design and Implementation of an Automated Management Platform for P2P Transactions with Electronic Money. Enfoque UTE, 7(1), pp. 75 – 90.


