Use of the naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) variety INIAP Quitoense-2009 to obtain a carbonated beverage
beverage, carbonation, naranjillaAbstract
A carbonated beverage was made with natural naranjilla pulp (INIAP Quitoense 2009 variety). Combinations were made with three pulp concentrations (15, 20, 25 %), three concentrations of the natural sweetener stevia (10, 12, 14 %) and water, registering variables of soluble solids, pH and titratable acidity. The best formulation was determined by analysis of variance, Tukey test at 5 % and acceptance by sensory analysis. Subsequently, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 % stabilizer (gum arabic) and the same parameters and sedimentation height were measured. Results were analyzed statistically. For carbonation, the most stable beverage was pasteurized and bottled in 350 mL amber glass bottles and 1.8 g of solid CO2 (dry ice) was added. The container was sealed and sensory tests were after 24 hours to determine the acceptance of the carbonated beverage. The most acceptable formulation was: 25 % pulp, 10 % sweetener, 0.5 % stabilizer, 0.1 % sodium benzoate, 0.05 % citric acid, 0.5 % solid CO2 and water. The naranjilla pulp can be used in the elaboration of a carbonated beverage, since it fulfills the Ecuadorian regulations.
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