Characterization of energy consumption agents in the residential sector of Ecuador based on a national survey and geographic information systems for modelling energy systems
Agent-based model, geographic information systems, investmentAbstract
The residential sector is an example of the challenges that arise when modelling the heterogeneity of the energy system to assess energy policy. Some of the characteristics that influence the supply and demand of energy in the residential sector are the type of consumption, household income, family composition, type of dwelling, the climatic zone of residence, among others. The objective of this research is to characterize the agents of energy consumption in the residential sector of Ecuador. To achieve this goal, this article presents a methodology that combines a national survey (online and door-to-door) with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The survey allows defining the main motivations, investment objectives and decision method of the agents when renewing or maintaining home energy technologies. For this, the agents have been classified based on their income level. GIS allows the agents to be spatially located and to have an estimate of the population that belongs to each agent by income level. The results are presented by income level for each group of agents and the agents are geolocated, characterizing them spatially. The quantitative attributes of each agent are determined in order to be used in energy systems modelling.
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