Litterfall production under pine plantations in the southern Andes region of Ecuador


  • Pablo Quichimbo Universidad de Cuenca, Technische Universität Dresden, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Darío Veintimilla Technische Universität München
  • Yelitza Carrión Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Leticia Jiménez Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja



forest exotic species, forest biomass, Pinus patula, montane zones, conifers


Litterfall research is an interesting aspect in environmental studies due to its significance in nutrient cycling specially in regions like the Andes where the interactions between biomass production and its decomposition is poorly understood. This study is focusing in the litterfall biomass production under pine plantations in southern Ecuador. The litterfall production was studied for five months at two-week intervals in three pine forest sites located in the southern Andes region of Ecuador. Monthly litterfall production ranged between 1067-1907 kg ha-1, in comparison with other coniferous stands around the world, this study revealed a higher litterfall production for tropical areas and particularly the highest production under pine plantations in the Andes region. This high litterfall production highlights the upmost importance of this forest component as a potential nutrient reservoir involved in the global nutrient cycling under landscapes dominated by this exotic forest specie in the tropical Andes.


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How to Cite

Quichimbo, P., Veintimilla, D., Carrión, Y., & Jiménez, L. (2016). Litterfall production under pine plantations in the southern Andes region of Ecuador. Enfoque UTE, 7(3), pp. 14 – 25.


