Design and construction of a prototype for the continuous extraction of Sacha Inchi seed oil with a cold pressing process
Screw extruder, mechatronics, performance, sieve, Plukenetia volubilisAbstract
This work presents the design of an oil extractor from the Sacha Inchi seed with an extruder screw mechanism allows a maximum yield of 34% through a continuous cold extraction process at working temperatures below 45 ° C. The temperature is a critical parameter because when it exceeds 50 ° C, the oil decreases its nutritional value by the loss of its most important properties such as: Omega 3 (48%), Omega 6 (36%), Omega 9 (8%), digestibility (96%), vitamin A and E. The methodology used for the development of the work was the concurrent and simultaneous design according to the recommendations of National Instruments. The prototype consists of the extruder screw, pressure chamber, feed chamber, sieve and filter. The advantage of modular design is the flexibility it offers, so that when changing certain components it is possible to use the prototype to extract oil of different types and sizes of seeds. The products obtained from this mechanism are: 33.34% of oil and the solid residue known as Cake in 66.66% which has many applications in the field of human food and pets. Due to the processing of a food product, the requirements of ISO 22005 were applied for the design and implementation of the prototype.
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