Mini-Spin and Mini-Spin-VR: equivalence between virtual and traditional anxiety test




ICT, virtual reality, technology applied to psychology, psychological test, mini-spin


Virtual reality technologies enable the representation of a vast array of existing and fictitious environments into virtual, digital scenes. These scenes allow for the easy integration of users into a controlled laboratory, allowing them to participate on a variety of scientific studies. Many different areas, like psychology, have already integrated virtual technologies into its field; nevertheless, there are still many open problems related. The main focus of this work is to find out if the virtual environments could replace traditional pen and paper psychological test. Thanks to the use of the two one sided equivalence test, results showed significant statistical equivalence.


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How to Cite

Egas-Reyes, V., Hinojosa-Alcocer, R., & Ordóñez-Camacho, D. (2018). Mini-Spin and Mini-Spin-VR: equivalence between virtual and traditional anxiety test. Enfoque UTE, 9(1), pp. 43 – 52.



Computer Science, ICTs