Influence of social networks on the analysis of sentiment applied to the political situation in Ecuador


  • Estevan Ricardo Gómez-Torres Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
  • Roger Jaimes Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas
  • Orlando Hidalgo Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas
  • Sergio Luján-Mora Universidad de Alicante



Sentimen analysis, Twitter, Text mining, Stanford NLP


Knowing the opinion of a sector of the population can be as important to launch a product in marketing, as to know the opinion of voters, in politics. In Ecuador, the social network Twitter has become one of the main means of direct interaction between political figures and the population. So a study that reflects feelings in Spanish by idioms of each region, gives us a great opportunity to study the relationship between the level of acceptance on Twitter of a candidate and the election results. The contribution of this article is the analysis of feelings (SA) using a tool for NLP adapted to the variation of Spanish used in Ecuador, taking advantage of the fact that most of the literature has focused on the English language, while adaptations for languages, like Spanish, they are minimal and are still in process due to the complexity inherent in the language.


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Author Biography

Estevan Ricardo Gómez-Torres, Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial

Profesor Universitario




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How to Cite

Gómez-Torres, E. R., Jaimes, R., Hidalgo, O., & Luján-Mora, S. (2018). Influence of social networks on the analysis of sentiment applied to the political situation in Ecuador. Enfoque UTE, 9(1), pp. 67 – 78.



Computer Science, ICTs