Effect of the addition of malted and unmalted quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa wild) in Ale type beer with barley (Hordeum vulgare) malt
high fermentation beer, malted quinoa, sensory analysisAbstract
The effect of the addition of malted quinoa (QM) and without malting (QSM) was evaluated in an Ale type beer with malted barley. Formulations containing 35 and 50% of QM and QSM were developed. Quinoa was previously unsapponificated and characterized. Density, alcoholic degree, turbidity, total acidity and pH were determined before and after the fermentation process. Analysis of color (L, a *, b *, Hue and Cr *) and sensorial acceptability were performed. Unsapponification process increased moisture content, reduced fat and ash and slightly decreased carbohydrates, nevertheless, protein and fiber content were not affected. After the fermentation, the beer with QM presented lower density, higher alcohol content and turbidity. No difference was found in total acidity and pH, while the color of beer with QM presented lower values in the analyzed color parameters (except a *). The formulation with the highest overall acceptance was the one with 50% QM. The use of QM for brewing is an alternative for the consuming of this cereal and a novel product for the consumer.
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