Energy and exergy evaluation in a 1.6L Otto cycle internal combustion engine
internal combustion engine; energy balance; exergy balance.Abstract
This paper aimed to evaluate the behavior of an Otto Cycle internal combustion of a 1.6 L engine measuring its performance by the energy and exergy balance. The energy calculation was developed in a previously set route at a constant speed of 50 km/h and 90 km/h. It was determined, that the analysis of the energy and exergy balance contributes to recognize the performance of an internal combustion after the experimentation based on observation, measurement, methods of induction, deduction and synthesis. Also, it was resolved that the engine has an average energy efficiency of 27.57 % for a speed of 50 km/h, while the total exergy flow of the system is 22 %. Therefore, there is no significant difference with the efficiency results at 90 km/h.
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