Physical chemical evaluation of pitahaya fruit (Selenicereus megalanthus) in different development stages
fruit quality, ripening, fresh weight, Brix degrees, acidityAbstract
In this research, physical and chemical changes that occur during growth and ripening of pitahaya fruit were assessed. Using the color chart of yellow pitahaya (NTC-3554), fruits were collected in the six stages of ripening (0 dark green to 6 completely yellow) to evaluate the weight of the fruit; while for the variables pulp and skin percentage, pulp firmness (N), soluble solids (ºBrix), pH, acidity (%) and sensory evaluation of flavor and appearance, fruits were only taken in two states (0 and 6). Percentage of skin decreased from 55.93 to 33.40 %, whereas that pulp increased from 44.07 to 66.60 % among state 0 and 6, respectively. Fruit in the state 6 showed lower pulp firmness (6.20 N) and titulable acidity (0.14 %), and higher soluble solids content (20.74 %) and pH (4.86). On the other hand, in terms of sensory test, both states (0 and 6) were accepted by the consumer due to the high percentage of soluble solids.
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