Evaluation of different empirical formulas for calculating the concentration time in the urban basin of the Belico and Cubanicay rivers, city of Santa Clara
urban hydrology, urban drainage, concentration time, basin, precipitation intensityAbstract
The concentration time is an essential parameter for the use of the rain-runoff models that obtain the maximum runoff expense at a point in a basin. There are various empirical formulas for its estimation worldwide, despite this, there is no general rule when choosing the appropriate one. In the present work, formulas used in the calculation of this parameter were compared from the urban basin of the Bélico river in the city of Santa Clara with the closing point in the city's North Ring Road. A balance was made of the results obtained and criteria were issued about the advantages and disadvantages of the methods described. A threshold of the maximum and minimum values of each empirical formula used was proposed, which allowed future considerations in projects to rectify the urban riverbed and its associated urban stormwater drainage.
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