Optimization of the dark chocolate formulation from the mixture of cocoa beans and cocoa content by applying surface response method
brightness, formulation of chocolate, chocolate physical properties, chocolate rheological properties, hardness, maximization, Perou, surface responseAbstract
This research sought to optimize the mix of Peruvian cocoa beans and the cocoa content for the dark chocolate formulation, having as an optimization criterion the improvement of the physical properties of chocolate: color, particle size, rheological properties and texture, applying the response surface methodology. It was found that the optimal formulation presented a mixture of cocoa beans of 10 parts of CCN 51 plus 90 parts of ICS 6, dark chocolate at 70 % cocoa content, 29.6 % sugar and 0.4 % lecithin. Finally, the validation of physical properties reached 91.6 % on average.
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