Integration of the components of Integrated Pest Management in the cultivation of Pisum sativum in the Huánuco region, Peru
Pea, damage, population density, incidence, Integrated ManagementAbstract
The investigation was carried out in two sowing periods of Pisum sativum L, agricultural campaign 2019 and 2021, the registered data correspond to the period 2021 because similar responses to the previous test were obtained. The objective was to comparatively integrate more than one control strategy to regulate pests in the crop. In a completely randomized block design with 3 treatments, 4 replications. Being the treatments: (T0) Without applications, (T1) Zea mays live barriers + color traps + Ruta chalepensis extract + toxic baits, (T2) Lupinus mutabilis live barriers + color traps + Bacillius thuringiensis + toxic baits. Weekly evaluations were carried out to identify the insects and determine the density of each pest species in the crop. All plots share the same pests. In T2, the lowest averages of each species were recorded, being Agrotis sp with 0.67 to 2.33 larvae/plot, Aphis sp between 1.33 to 4 aphids per bud, Bemisia sp with 5 to 7 per leaf, Epitrix sp between 4 to 0/plant and Liriomyza trifolii between 3 to 4 larvae/leaf. It is concluded that the integration of the T2 components are the most efficient in the regulation of pests in bean crops.
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