Current Status and Challenges of IoT Research in the Ecuadorian Healthcare Sector: A Systematic Literature Review




Internet of Medical Things; Emerging Technologies; Remote Patient Monitoring; Privacy and Information Security; Systematic Reviews.


The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by enabling remote patient monitoring, personalized care and disease prevention. In Ecuador, research on IoT in the healthcare field is rapidly expanding. However, there’s a need for a clearer understanding of the current state of this research. This study examines the contributions of Ecuadorian authors in this field through their publications in two globally impactful bibliographic databases. The methodology employed is a systematic review using the PRISMA statement, resulting in a final stage comprising 23 articles. These publications encompass system proposals, prototypes, and reviews with applications in areas such as epidemiology, cardiology and nursing. The recurrent mention of patient information privacy is a challenge in implementing IoT-based healthcare systems. The conclusions emphasize that future work perspectives should address the challenges identified, considering the growing trend of publications from Ecuadorian authors.



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How to Cite

Vaca-Orellana, C., & Valle Dávila, M. . (2024). Current Status and Challenges of IoT Research in the Ecuadorian Healthcare Sector: A Systematic Literature Review. Enfoque UTE, 15(2), 20-29.


