Enfoque UTE is a scientific journal that publishes research papers in engineering and related areas. The journal is aimed at the international community of researchers, scientists, practitioners and engineers in general, and receives papers written in English only.

Enfoque UTE is a Diamond Open Access journal that firmly believes in the free dissemination of scientific knowledge, which is why it guarantees that its content and its services in general will be totally free for readers (no suscription fees), authors (no APC) and the general public.

In its 12 years of life, the magazine has published more than 300 engineering research papers, serving more than 800 authors. All this has been achieved thanks to the selfless participation of its team of editors, reviewers and contributors, as well as the permanent support of the Universidad UTE, which funds the activities of the journal.

Enfoque UTE is registered and indexed in several of the main international databases such as Web of Science (ESCI), Redalyc, Scielo, REDIB, Latindex, DOAJ, OAJI, Zenodo, MIAR, Periódica, BibLat, Google Scholar, among many others.  (About the Journal)

Vol. 15 No. 3 (2024)



To consider...

  • Open Access! Enfoque UTE charges no fees; it is a Diamond Open Access journal: free to submit, free to publish, and free to read
  • Enfoque UTE publishes quarterly, at the beginning of: January, April, July and October.
  • It covers the fields of Environmental, Automotive, Computer Science and Mechatronics engineerings.
  • To extend our coverage to a wider scientific audience, Enfoque UTE considers for publication papers written either in english or spanish.
  • Enfoque UTE publishes a limited number of articles per year, therefore, to serve all the community, it will publish only one article per author, per volume or year (exceptionally two).
  • Please check the author guidelines and the style manual, clicking on ABOUT/Author guidelines.

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School of Reviewers