Ice cream bean (Inga edulis) flower phenology in Ecuadorian inter-Andean valley
Inga edulis; phenophases; BBCH; flowering; fructificationAbstract
The research was carried out in the Nayón-Quito, Ecuadorian Pichincha-Province, with temperatures ranging between 18 - 22 ° C, located at an altitude of 2325 meters above sea level. Ice cream bean is a species used to provide shade in some crops such as coffee and cocoa. In this study, 15 ice cream bean trees were selected in which 30 vegetative buds/plant were marked to follow them in time and observe their development. Weekly observations were made of the transition of the vegetative to reproductive structures of the crop in order to establish the duration of each stage presented by the plant as well as the thermal cumulation necessary for these changes to occur.
During the study, the selected trees selected presented constant bud break, foliage fall and fruiting. These changes varied according to the climatic conditions of Nayón. It was finally determined that ice cream bean flowering stage lasted 155 days and a total of 497 thermal units were needed to fruit harvest.
The BBCH scale (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie) describes the phenological development of crops from germination to senescence, comprising 8 main stages that are germination, leaf development, bud formation, inflorescence formation, flowering, fruit development, fruit ripening and senescence. Based on this scale a visual-phenological description of the ice cream bean fruit setting was obtained with the most relevant subphases presented by the plants (521, 525, 529, 621, 625, 629, 723, 725, 729). This information constituted basic and outmost useful and relevant data to better understand the process of development of this crop and improve field and production practices.
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