MOOCEP: A method for Building Massive Online Courses for Elderly People: Using a MOOCEP creation


  • Irene Priscila Cedillo Orellana Universidad de Cuenca
  • Paola Beltrán Universidad de Cuenca
  • Paul Rodríguez Universidad de Cuenca
  • Freddy Serrano Universitat de València
  • Alexandra Bermeo Universidad de Cuenca



e-learning, evaluación, MOOCEP


Today, the population of elderly people has increased significantly in relation to the total world population. In recent years, this segment of population has shown a greater adherence and interest in technological advances, among them the Internet and its services; this, with the aim of develop different activities such as entertainment, obtain current information, learning different topics, among others. However, applications and websites do not take into account the specific requirements of elderly people. Hence, it is necessary to have methodologies, processes and tools that take into account appropriate forms of interaction specific to this vulnerable sector of the population. This article is an extension to the one presented at the INCISCOS 2017 conference, which proposed a methodology for the creation of massive online courses, called MOOCEP. In this work, it has been considered convenient to test the devices created with the use of MOOCEP, by presenting these resources to elderly people, in order to make a comparison of the before and after knowledge of the various topics presented in the learning platform.


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Author Biography

Irene Priscila Cedillo Orellana, Universidad de Cuenca

PhD en Informática por la Universitat Politècnica de València

Master en Ingeniería del Software, Métodos Formales y Sistemas de Información por la Universitat Politècnica de València

Magister en Telemática

Ingeniera de Sistemas

Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad de Cuenca.


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How to Cite

Cedillo Orellana, I. P., Beltrán, P., Rodríguez, P., Serrano, F., & Bermeo, A. (2018). MOOCEP: A method for Building Massive Online Courses for Elderly People: Using a MOOCEP creation. Enfoque UTE, 9(1), pp. 25 – 33.



Computer Science, ICTs