Usando SVG para desarrollar mapas web para personas con discapacidad visual
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accesibilidad, mapas web, datos geográficos.Resumen
This paper addresses the problem of accessibility in geographical web maps. A person with disability cannot use, nowadays, a web map with the same functionality as other users do. This problem creates a huge gap in universal usability, since a wide range of people are left out. This contravenes clearly the principles of the Web, which was created to benefit everyone in any circumstances. In addition, this kind of map would be very useful for people with disabilities, but they cannot take advantage of them due to accessibility problems. In this paper, some of the latest technologies (e.g. PostGIS or SVG) are used in order to provide a geographical web map with accessible features. Since no standard way of doing so exists, our objective is to research, design and implement a system which consists on the essential components to provide accessibility. What we propose is one of the many possible solutions, with some advantages and limitations, for the problem of accessibility on geographical web maps. This proposed solution leads to a discussion about the obtained result and some comments on the current state of the technologies involved in web accessibility.
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