About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Enfoque UTE is a scientific journal on engineering. It publishes original papers in science and technology.

The journal mainly covers the fields of Environmental Engineering, Food Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, and Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering.

Enfoque UTE is focused on the community of researchers, professors, and graduate students in general.

Enfoque UTE charges no fees; it is a Diamond Open Access journal: free to submit, free to publish, and free to read.

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to decide if the proposed article meets the initial criteria, in accordance with the editorial guidelines of the journal, including: originality, novelty, interest, style, focus, relevance, and all those appropriate to the interests of the journal. Only if the article meets all the criteria of the editorial line will it proceed to the next stage.

Articles considered relevant will undergo a double-blind peer review process. The Editorial Committee, in consultation with the collaborators of the journal, will appoint specialist reviewers on the topic of the article.

The experts will evaluate the work and issue an opinion. If modifications are recommended, a detailed report will be sent to the author with the pertinent observations to make the appropriate changes. As soon as the work is accepted or rejected definitively, the author will receive an official communication.

Publication Frequency

Enfoque UTE is a quarterly journal. It publishes at the beginning of January, April, July and October.

The journal receives manuscripts permanently during the year, which immediately initiate the review process. Accepted articles will be scheduled for publication in the following edition of the journal.

Receiving a manuscript for review, in no way guarantees its acceptance. From the reception of a manuscript to its acceptance or definitive rejection, the average time is usually between 3 and 6 months.

Open Access Policy 

Enfoque UTE provides free and immediate access to all its published content, under the principle of making research available to the public free of charge, which fosters a greater exchange of global knowledge. The publication of an article has no cost for the authors, who are committed to fully respect the editorial process of Enfoque UTE. Reading an article, whether online or through a download process, has no cost to readers.

Policy on Depositing Different Versions of Papers in Repositories

Enfoque UTE supports the principle of open access and believes that authors should have the freedom to share their research with the broader community. Enfoque UTE recognizes that authors may wish to deposit various versions of their papers in institutional or other repositories. To facilitate this, the journal has the following policy regarding the different versions of a paper:

  1. Submitted Version: Authors are allowed to deposit the submitted version of their manuscript in an institutional or other repository of their choice without any embargo period. This version represents the initial draft submitted for peer review.

  2. Accepted Version (Author Accepted Manuscript): Authors are encouraged to deposit the accepted version of their manuscript, also known as the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM), in institutional or other repositories without any embargo. The AAM includes author revisions following peer review but before final typesetting by the journal.

  3. Published Version (Version of Record): Authors are permitted to deposit the published version of their paper, known as the Version of Record (VoR), in institutional or other repositories without any embargo. The VoR is the final, typeset version of the paper as published in the journal.

Declaration of originality and intellectual property

Authors, when submitting papers to Enfoque UTE, declare that:

  • The corresponding author is an authorized agent for and on behalf of all authors.
  • The Article is original and is the sole result of the authors own labour.
  • The Article does not infringe any copyright or violate any other right of any third parties.
  • The Article has not been published in other journals, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

The authors retain all copyright rights to the original work published without restrictions [© The Authors]. The publication will be subject to the terms of the CC BY 3.0 EC license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ec/).

Long-Term Preservation Service

The journal content is archived with a long-term preservation service in a local CentOS Server and remotely in Sherpa Romeo