Modeling and simulation of plastic deformation of Aluminium ASTM A1200 during mechanical conformed process


  • Luis C Juiña Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Víctor H Cabrera Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Nancy V Moreno Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Cristian A Anrango Universidad Politécnica Salesiana



aluminium; conformed; strain; finite elements; simulation


The research evaluates the behavior of a material when a plastic deformation occurs. The document describes the analytical process, finite elements and integrate process in order to develop shaped piece plan. Stress analysis and section variation were analyzed during the stuffing process. In the experimental part, the mechanical characteristics of the aluminum ASTM A1200 were determined (Yield strength was 214 MPa). The shaping process was carried out in a 5 tons press with pneumatic device. Several tests were executed with different depths in order to compare thicknesses with the physical model simulation. The maximum error was 3.67 % at 15 mm depth and the minimum of 0.24 % with the total depth. Respect to the efforts generated during the conforming, the maximum and minimum errors were 10.9 % and 2.18 % respectively.



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How to Cite

Juiña, L. C., Cabrera, V. H., Moreno, N. V., & Anrango, C. A. (2019). Modeling and simulation of plastic deformation of Aluminium ASTM A1200 during mechanical conformed process. Enfoque UTE, 10(1), pp. 128 – 140.



Automation and Control, Mechatronics, Electromechanics, Automotive