Evaluation of a pilot aerobic reactor with polyetilenterephtalate (PET) as support material for dairy wastewater treatment


  • Marcelo Muñoz Escuela Politécnica Nacional
  • Jessica Reina Escuela Politécnica Nacional
  • María Belén Aldás Escuela Politécnica Nacional




Wastewater, aerobic reactor, dairy industry, PET


A pilot aerobic horizontal plug flow reactor filled with pieces of PET (polyethylene terephthalate), from plastic bottles was installed for treatment of a synthetic substrate prepared from lactic whey with COD values of 800 to 2100 mg/L. A bacterial inoculum previously acclimated to the substrate was used. Organic material removal efficiencies of 62.2%, 85% y 94% were obtained with retention times of 5.14, 6.01 and 8.01 hours, and with volumetric organic loads (Lv) of 7.68, 6.19 and 4.61 kg/day.m3, respectively. Also, the kinetic mass transfer constant (k) was calculated and it presented a value of 0.02 m/day. On the other hand, an F/M ratio of 0.4 was determined, indicating that the process had a similar performance to an extended aeration system. Finally, the biomass generated inside the reactor was analyzed, obtaining a value of 11560 mg /L, which is a higher value than those of conventional systems.



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How to Cite

Muñoz, M., Reina, J., & Aldás, M. B. (2016). Evaluation of a pilot aerobic reactor with polyetilenterephtalate (PET) as support material for dairy wastewater treatment. Enfoque UTE, 7(4), pp. 31 - 42. https://doi.org/10.29019/enfoqueute.v7n4.112


