Implementation of a classifier didactical machine for learning mechatronic processes


  • Alex De La Cruz Escuela Politécnica Nacional
  • Juan Donoso Escuela Politécnica Nacional
  • Oscar Gonzales Escuela Politécnica Nacional
  • Ricardo Soto Escuela Politécnica Nacional



artificial vision, machine vision, OPC communication, concurrent design


The present article shows the design and construction of a classifier didactical machine through artificial vision. The implementation of the machine is to be used as a learning module of mechatronic processes. In the project, it is described the theoretical aspects that relate concepts of mechanical design, electronic design and software management which constitute popular field in science and technology, which is mechatronics. The design of the machine was developed based on the requirements of the user, through the concurrent design methodology to define and materialize the appropriate hardware and software solutions. LabVIEW 2015 was implemented for high-speed image acquisition and analysis, as well as for the establishment of data communication with a programmable logic controller (PLC) via Ethernet and an open communications platform known as Open Platform Communications - OPC. In addition, the Arduino MEGA 2560 platform was used to control the movement of the step motor and the servo motors of the module. Also, is used the Arduino MEGA 2560 to control the movement of the stepper motor and servo motors in the module. Finally, we assessed whether the equipment meets the technical specifications raised by running specific test protocols.



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How to Cite

De La Cruz, A., Donoso, J., Gonzales, O., & Soto, R. (2017). Implementation of a classifier didactical machine for learning mechatronic processes. Enfoque UTE, 8(3), pp. 41 - 55.


