Moving the IT Infrastructure to the Cloud


  • Oswaldo Moscoso-Zea Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
  • Pablo Saa Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
  • Joel Paredes-Gualtor Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
  • Fanny Sandoval Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial



cloud computing, cloud services, cloud framework, cloud adoption


Cloud computing services are nowadays advertised as an emerging business model. Moreover, these services bring innovative solutions in a more sophisticated competitive market. But, the decision for their adoption could be significantly reduced due to organizations’ concerns related to security, privacy, and trust. The challenge involves such questions as where to start, which provider should the company choose or whether it is even worthwhile. Thus, this paper proposes an improved unified framework, based on a previous study where a 6 step process framework was introduced. This improved framework add one new step for security and control after the migration process. At the end, a 7 processes framework is proposed aimed to fulfill organizations’ concerns when decide to adopt cloud computing services with a follow-up step. This additional step intends to help IT directors to make sure everything is working properly in a methodological way, in order to achieve a successful cloud computing migration process. An effective solution that is gaining momentum and popularity for competitive organizations. 


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How to Cite

Moscoso-Zea, O., Saa, P., Paredes-Gualtor, J., & Sandoval, F. (2018). Moving the IT Infrastructure to the Cloud. Enfoque UTE, 9(1), pp. 79 – 89.



Computer Science, ICTs