Model to estimate the effort required by automation of business processes
software metrics; business processes; business process models; BPMN notation.Abstract
The development of software products has significantly impacted the business world, which has left behind its functional approach and has pledged resources into the quality modeling of its business processes. Numerous studies dedicated to measure indicators, such as quality, complexity and ease of modification, taking into account the constant organizational changes, have resulted in the definition of different metrics, which have mostly been selected, by analogy, with software metrics. In this work, a statistical model that allows the prediction of the effort required in the automation of business processes is defined, taking as a starting point its graphic representation. Metrics related to business process models are proposed in order to study their behavior and influence on the estimation of effort. A base of cases of business process models with their respective effort values was built. The processing of data was carried out from statistical techniques, obtaining a prediction model that is able to explain 99.5 % of the represented cases. A computer application was developed for the interpretation of the different output formats of tools that allow modeling business processes and the implementation of the obtained predictive model.
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