Characterization of the tensile properties of an Epoxy-Carbon laminated composite used in the development of a single-seater Formula SAE type
carbon fiber, pre-preg, composite, anisotropy, formula SAEAbstract
This article presents the analysis of the tensile properties of a carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite used in the manufacture of the single-seater for Formula SAE competition. Composites were manufactured from pre-pregs with different fiber orientations by a vacuum curing process. The effect of the fiber orientation on the strength and rigidity of the formulated composites was evaluated. The tensile specimens were instrumented with biaxial extensometers in order to obtain a real record of the deformation and subsequent determination of the Young's modulus. The experimental results were compared with the analytical results obtained from the Classical Laminate Theory using specialized software. A microscopic analysis of the fractured region of the specimens was also developed to evaluate the effect of the manufacturing process. The set of information generated from the experimental and analytical results provides an understanding of the anisotropy of Epoxy-Carbon fiber composites that will allow design decisions to be made in future developments within the Formula SAE project.
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