Natural scale inhibitor based on mucilage of the cayenne leaf (Hibiscus rosa sinensis)
mucilage; cayenne; inhibitor; scales; production water.Abstract
Nowadays, mineral incrustations are one of the most frequent problems in the petroleum industry; they deteriorate the production systems, causing pressure losses and, consequently, the decrease of hydrocarbon production. Based on this problem, this research was conducted with the purpose of evaluate the efficiency of a natural scale inhibitor based on the leaf mucilage of the cayenne plant (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) in synthetic and production water samples. In order to do this, the physical-chemical characterization on the water samples was carried out, as well as the mucilage previously extracted from the plant. Subsequently, the natural inhibitor was formulated and characterized at three different concentrations (2, 4 and 6 % m /V) and the efficiency of the product was evaluated in both water samples, considering three (3) different doses (55, 100 and 500 ppm) following the guidelines of the NACE standard TM0347-2007, with the result that the inhibitor of 2 % m/V was the most efficient at its highest dose. In addition, the commercial inhibitor from Halliburton Company was used for comparative purposes in a statistical analysis that indicated the absence of a significant statistical difference between the product at 2 % m / V and the commercial inhibitor.
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