Seed viability, germination and seedling quality patterns of three forest species for restoration in Amazonian conditions




Topological patterns, tetrazolium, nursery, morphology, plant production


The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality patterns of Switenia macrophylla, Cedrelinga cateniformis and Ochroma pyramidale seeds and seedlings in response to restoration. The seed viability test was performed using 1 % tetrazolium (2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) during three staining times and the percentage of viability and vigor levels were considered according to the topological staining pattern. Germination speed, germination capacity, and morphological indices of plant quality were determined using the aboveground belowground ratio, slenderness, degree of lignification and Dickson's quality. The highest percentage of viable seeds with the maximum staining time (3 hours) was verified. The medium vigor category was higher in the three species, as determined by a partial reddish staining pattern as an expression of their physiological quality, which was reflected in the response to germination. The morphological quality indices allowed us to identify the species’ potential for growth and development for acclimatization to the area. The correspondence analysis was significant (p≤0.05), which facilitated the formation of quality groups, C. cateniformis was found to be of a high-enough quality as an indicator of its potential to cover restoration needs in Amazonian conditions.


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How to Cite

García Quintana, Y., Arteaga Crespo, Y., De Decker, M. ., & Castelo, M. del C. (2023). Seed viability, germination and seedling quality patterns of three forest species for restoration in Amazonian conditions. Enfoque UTE, 14(1).


