The theory of constraints applied in a manufacture CAD-CAM system in the industry Metalworking-plastic


  • Luis Juiña Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Víctor Hugo Cabrera Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Salvatore Reina Escuela Politécnica Nacional



theory of constrains, polymer, computerized numerical control, CAD, CAM


In the following project, the theory of constraints was applied in order to implement a manufacture CAD-CAM system into the metal mechanic industry processes of polymers injection and blown of polymers. The research showed that the manufacture of the mold with the engraving took 223,17 hours. In the workflow for the manufacture of the mold, a restriction was found in the outsource service of CNC. It took 120 hours of the whole process and represent the 51,47 % the total time of tooling manufacturing. There is also a constraint found in the design time. It was 60 hours that corresponds to 26,88 % of the overall time. In order to reduce the time, a modern system of design in 3D and CAM was established to improve the model process of design and manufacture. A simulation by computational resource was applied to the plastic. The design was changed from 2D to 3D. The implementation was focused in the design. A software was installed to improve the speed of modeling methods with reliable information. In the manufacture of molds, a new CNC machine was acquired with three simultaneous axes to eliminate the outsource service. By acquiring the design system, the working time was diminished in 79% and regarding to the CNC process, the working time was improved in 88%.



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How to Cite

Juiña, L., Cabrera, V. H., & Reina, S. (2017). The theory of constraints applied in a manufacture CAD-CAM system in the industry Metalworking-plastic. Enfoque UTE, 8(3), pp. 56 - 71.


