Agile Architecture Based on ISA-88 for the Design of Execution Control Chart in Distributed Applications using IEC-61499


  • Fabricio Chicaiza Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Carlos A. García Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE
  • Esteban X. Castellanos Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE
  • Carlos Sánchez Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • César Rosero Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Marcelo Garcia Sanchez Basque Country University



IEC 61499, Diagramas de Control de Ejecución, Industria 4.0, fabricación inteligente


Nowadays, industrial automation systems must optimize control techniques and communication integration of their processes, to introduce concepts given by Industry 4.0. To achieve this, it is necessary to introduce new automation standards to achieve agile and intelligent manufacturing systems, this is the reason why the IEC-61499 standard is considered as the main option. In an industrial level, the ISA-88 standard offers a coherent set of rules and terminology for batch digital control and it defines models for this kind of industries. This is why it is necessary to contribute with low cost alternatives to the industry with which it can implement the Industry 4.0 concepts in various control systems. The present working paper proposes the development of Function Blocks (FBs) networks under IEC-61499 standard to integrate distributed control systems with the help of embedded hardware using the ISA-88 standard as a basis for the development of control algorithms and FB’s Execution Control Chart (ECC).


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How to Cite

Chicaiza, F., García, C. A., Castellanos, E. X., Sánchez, C., Rosero, C., & Garcia Sanchez, M. (2018). Agile Architecture Based on ISA-88 for the Design of Execution Control Chart in Distributed Applications using IEC-61499. Enfoque UTE, 9(1), pp. 149 – 165.



Automation and Control, Mechatronics, Electromechanics, Automotive