Indoors positioning with Android, Bluetooth and RSSI




IPS, Bluetooth, RSSI, indoors positioning


This research has two main objectives. First, to determine experimentally the relationship between RSSI and distance. Second, with trilateration techniques, to establish the location of the receiver device in the experimental environment. The main contributions are: to determine how Bluetooth devices interact between them and how they differ when dealing with RSSI measures; to collect data over controlled distances applying to it regression analysis to establish the RSSI – distance relationship; to evaluate the basic trilateration techniques to produce a functional prototype for an indoor positioning system using Android devices. Results are encouraging considering that even with an extremely heterogeneous hardware and software configuration, it was possible to get a high average precision.


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How to Cite

Cabrera-Goyes, E., & Ordóñez-Camacho, D. (2018). Indoors positioning with Android, Bluetooth and RSSI. Enfoque UTE, 9(1), pp. 118 – 126.



Computer Science, ICTs