Attacking an ERP with Open Source Software


  • Esteban Crespo Universidad de Azuay
  • Fabian Carvajal Universidad del Azuay
  • Catalina Astudillo Universidad del Azuay
  • Marcos Orellana Universidad del Azuay
  • Rosalva Vintimilla Universidad del Azuay
  • Juan Pablo Carvallo Universidad del Azuay



Pentesting, IT Security, Hacking, ERP, APEX


Information security is a growing concern in companies and organizations, being even higher when linked to financial platforms where sensitive information exists. This article explains the techniques used in the pentesting performed on the ERP software developed in APEX 5 by the University of Azuay. To achieve this goal, six stages has been considered for perform a penetration test: I) Conceptualization, where is defined the scope of the tests to be performed. II) Preparation of the laboratory, which identifies some of the tools used to initiate the safety tests. III) Obtaining of information, where the possible objects are recognized and scanned in greater depth to identify intrinsic characteristics for subsequently exploit them. IV) Analysis of the vulnerabilities found in the previous stage. V) Exploitation of vulnerabilities; and VI) post-exploitation, a stage that contemplates the destruction of evidence of the attack and the conservation of the connection and the accesses obtained to extract information. All these stages were carried out within the facilities of the “Universidad del Azuay”, considering the development environment in which this software is currently located.


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How to Cite

Crespo, E., Carvajal, F., Astudillo, C., Orellana, M., Vintimilla, R., & Carvallo, J. P. (2018). Attacking an ERP with Open Source Software. Enfoque UTE, 9(1), pp. 138 – 148.



Computer Science, ICTs