Surface temperature and states of the vegetation of the forest of Polylepis spp, district of San Marcos de Rocchac, Huancavelica – Peru




Polylepis; LST; Vegetation States; TVX; Jenks Natural


The effect of surface temperature on the state of the vegetation in the forest of Polylepis spp and to relate it is the objective of this research. As methodology 9 satellite images of the Landsat 8 OLI / TIRS Sensor were used, evaluated using remote sensing, applying Pearson r correlation and statistical t student hypothesis. The following results were obtained: the relationships during the 9 months of the year 2018 - - 2019 between LST - NDVI r = 0.11, t = 0.29; LST - NDWI r = -0.43, t = 1.27; LST - SAVI r = 0.13, t = 0.34 and LST - MSI r = 0.56, t = 1.77; the average ratio of 9 images classified in Jenks Natural Breaks values ​​between LST - NDVI r = 0.99, t = 47.12; LST - NDWI r = -0.98, t = 28.93; LST - SAVI r = -0.99, t = 65.39 and LST - MSI r = 0.99, t = 30.39; and the effect of “TVX” for NDVI (East: -0.0778 / 0.0549; West: 0.6434 / -0.0120), NDWI (West: -0.6128 / -0.0463; East: 0.3057 / 0.0474), SAVI (West: 0.4089 / 0.0232; East: -0.0073 / -0.0011) and MSI (East: 0.5565 / 0.1856; West: 1.3993 / 0.0362). In conclusion, it is confirmed that during the 9 months that the monitoring lasted, there was no statistical correlation and that on average of the 9 images classified in Jenks Natural Breaks there is a correlation; TVX confirmed the influence of surface temperature on the state of vegetation within the forest over time.



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How to Cite

Quispe Reymundo, B. J., & Révolo Acevedo, R. H. (2020). Surface temperature and states of the vegetation of the forest of Polylepis spp, district of San Marcos de Rocchac, Huancavelica – Peru. Enfoque UTE, 11(3), pp. 69 - 86.


