Design of a Robot Prototype with Rocker Geometry-Bogie




Rocker-Bogie, design, geometry, robot, simulation


In this research a Rocker-Bogie type suspension geometry is designed and validated based on the analysis of the degrees of freedom, for its future implementation within the space exploration industry sector, having as main purpose the collection and transportation of garbage and waste to strategic sectors within the facilities, avoiding obstacles of different levels, although it could also be applied in the industrial, agricultural and mining areas, where a robust and stable system is required. We start by establishing a safety factor, determined through coefficients that involve safety and economy, then we calculate the dimensions and forces to be supported by the structural elements known as Rocker and Bogie, which are responsible for transmitting the support to the chassis as well as providing support to the connections for the axle components and motors for the wheels. The design and calculation of these elements, depends on the robot prototype being able to move through irregular fields avoiding obstacles such as: surface anomalies, potholes, rocks and curbs. For the validation of the prototype design, a static analysis of the structural elements (Rocker and Bogie) is performed by means of the Von Misses parameter, obtaining a high level of safety before rupture. Subsequently, the simulation of the prototype is executed based on a track created in the software, analyzing parameters of speed, acceleration and displacements in the axes X, Y. Finally, the results obtained from the simulation are compared based mainly on height and maximum length between front and rear axles, being crucial the maximum permissible angle of inclination.


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How to Cite

Montaleza, C., Mayorga, X., Gallegos, J., & León, R. (2022). Design of a Robot Prototype with Rocker Geometry-Bogie. Enfoque UTE, 13(1), pp. 82 – 96.


