Numerical analysis of operation of a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) using CFD




CFD, NTW, renewable Energy, VOF, WEC


The present study numerically analyzes, using CFD, the operation of a wave energy converter (WEC) with local sea conditions. The dynamics of the device caused by the propagation of the waves was characterized in the commercial software ANSYS Fluent applying domain reduction criteria, structured cells, and dynamic mesh with 6DOF. Performing 1:5 scale simulations of a real device installed offshore the prediction of the fluid dynamics was achieved with an error between 3.6 % and 4.7 % comparing the elevation of the free surface of the waves and between 5 and 6 % in the angular displacement of the solid in relation to the experimental. For the analysis, data was extracted from the INOCAR-SWAN model at points near Esmeraldas and the Gulf of Guayaquil, detailing the feasibility of generating energy from the device in these areas. Better results in terms of device dynamics were obtained in sea states with greater depth and longer wave periods, presenting average mechanical power between 0.165 kW and 0.22 kW.


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Author Biography

Cristian Andrade-Terán, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, EPN, Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Quito – Ecuador

Ingeniero Mecánico, Master en diseño y simulacón.

Me apasiona la investigación, la innovación y la ingeniería. Han publicado varios de mis articulos en diferentes revistas nacionales e internacionales. Me especializo en  dinamica de fluidos y transferencia de calor, me interesa tambien las energias renovables y el campo de estudio de vibraciones deterministicas y estocasticas. 



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How to Cite

Andrade-Terán, C., Valencia, E., Cando, E., & Cando, E. (2023). Numerical analysis of operation of a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) using CFD. Enfoque UTE, 14(2), pp. 52–65.


