Social Dynamics of Face Masks as Single-Use Waste from the COVID-19 Pandemic




SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); face mask; waste; environmental impact; final disposition


The impact generated by Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is associated with the risk in the population due to the lack of knowledge of the proper final disposal of single-use waste, specifically with face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the objective of carrying out a national diagnosis on the management and final disposal of waste, a national survey was prepared with the support of the digital tool google form, to obtain data to evaluate the environmental impact on the use and disposal of urban masks of mandatory use during the pandemic. It was identified that 35 % of the interviewees mix the face masks with household waste, which is a potential factor for public health and environmental problems. Of these, 61.5 % indicated that they were unaware of the existence of a COVID-19 waste management plan. This demonstrated the lack of knowledge about it, which causes inadequate management of these residues. The results of this research demonstrated the importance of implementing treatment alternatives to reduce the impact of the masks, highlighting that the most appropriate remediation treatment should be economically viable and with minimal environmental impact to properly manage MSW-COVID -19.


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How to Cite

Campos-García, L. M. ., Navarrete-Rodríguez, G. ., Amaro-Espejo, I. A., Pulido-Martínez, A. M. ., Reynier-Valdés, D., & Castañeda Chávez, M. del R. (2023). Social Dynamics of Face Masks as Single-Use Waste from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Enfoque UTE, 14(4), 19–28.


