Characterization of the Vegetation Community and its Contribution to a Carbon Stock in a Dry Forest




Allometry; Tree Diversity; Conservation; Carbon Estimation; Diameter Structure


The dry forest ecosystem is characterized by their rich biodiversity and adaptations to arid conditions. This study focused on determining the composition and structure of the vegetation, examining species interactions, and estimating carbon stored in its aboveground biomass (AGB) using an allometric equation proposed for mixed dry forests. We used 10 plots of 10 x 20 m to record data on trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm. Taxonomic classification was initially obtained using experts and specialized databases. Ecological importance was assessed through the Importance Value Index (IVI), and species association was determined using the Indicator Value Index (IndVal%). We identified 148 individuals of 21 species, 19 genera, and 12 families in four groups with strong associations, with C. Trischistandra standing out for its high IVI. The Kruskal-Wallis test did not show significant differences in carbon stored between plots, and was estimated a storage potential of 70.47 Mg C ha-1. This research highlights the importance of key species in carbon capture, which is crucial for mitigating climate change. Effective management of these species could have a positive impact on the conservation of the dry forest ecosystem and the fight against global warming. This analysis provides a deep understanding of the structure of this ecosystem.


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How to Cite

Muentes, J., Moreira, J. M., Chata, C., Alcívar, A., Zorrilla, I., & Salas-Macías, C. A. (2024). Characterization of the Vegetation Community and its Contribution to a Carbon Stock in a Dry Forest. Enfoque UTE, 15(2), 1–8.


