Determination of the efficiency of sawdust and coco fiber used as Biofilter for pollutant removal for the treatment of wastewater


  • Jimmy Vicente Reyes Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial



Wastewater treatment, Biofilter, Sawdust, Coco fiber, Environmental Quality Norm


Water is a resource used by mankind for industrial and domestic needs, which once used, is discharged into the public sewer system or septic tanks. This project proposes an ecological alternative for the treatment of wastewater from domestic use named Biofilter, which is built of living material (worms) and inert material (chip and gravel), which filters the wastewater; the biological filter has shown high efficiency in the removal of organic matter and pathogens. The field work was carried out with experimental biological filters, to ascertain the best composition of inert material, different variants were used. Two experimental Biofilters, one using sawdust and the other coco fiber were used in the treatment of domestic wastewater; treated samples from each reactor were subjected to laboratory analysis. The analysis and interpretation of results showed that the Biofilter using sawdust removed 53.53 % of pollutants and is outside the required norm for wastewater treatment and the Biofilter using coco fiber removed 82.37 % of contaminants and is within the Environmental Quality Norm and Effluent Discharge: Water Resource.


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How to Cite

Vicente Reyes, J. (2016). Determination of the efficiency of sawdust and coco fiber used as Biofilter for pollutant removal for the treatment of wastewater. Enfoque UTE, 7(3), pp. 41 – 56.


