Powder Detergent Packaging Line Improvement by Lean Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology





Lean Six Sigma DMAIC, Productivity, Quality Tools, Poka-Yoke, SMED


This investigation was a case of study in the powder detergent packaging line and aimed to reduce all those wastes that do not add value to the product, increasing the cost of production. Reducing or eliminating waste within the manufacturing industry becomes necessary for sustainable businesses over time and keeps generating development. To achieve it, the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC methodology was implemented in a detergent powder packaging line, to identify the problems that afflicted and made production more expensive. By using quality tools (such as Pareto and Ishikawa diagrams, 5S application, Poka-Yokes, SMED, training personnel, and standardizing processes) it was possible to reduce unproductive times. Energy consumption was reduced by up to 20 %, also efficiency and machine availability increased by 10.98 % and 7.32 %, respectively. The general performance of the line increased by 15.16 %, which translates into significant monthly savings of USD 71 442.05. By applying these improvement techniques, the most significant efficiency was registered in 1 kg packages, going from 47 % to 89 %, approximately. To maintain this productivity and even to perfect it, it is necessary to hire specialized personnel who know the production processes and industrial operations.


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How to Cite

Pushug, J., Ramírez, L., Simbaña, I., & Saquinga, D. (2024). Powder Detergent Packaging Line Improvement by Lean Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology. Enfoque UTE, 15(1), 28–35. https://doi.org/10.29019/enfoqueute.996


