Ecological Motorcycle Taxi, incorporation of an electrolyzer as an alternative for the suppression of pollutants and noise reduction
electrolysis of water, electrolyzer, electrolyte, green hydrogen, technology, renewable resourceAbstract
Environmental pollution from transportation has been a fundamental challenge for humanity throughout history, with conventional fuels contributing significantly to environmental degradation. This project seeks to suppress pollution and reduce noise generated by motorcycle taxis, whether for personal and/or private use. The main objective of the research work was to implement an electrolyzer in the combustion system of a motorcycle taxi to suppress environmental pollution and reduce noise. Methods included vehicle preparation, electrolyzer installation, battery adjustment, hydrogen generation, emissions measurement, safety, and data collection. As a result, the electrolyzer was implemented in the single-cylinder motorcycle taxi; The noise limit allowed at work in Peru is 85 dB, which is equivalent to 100 % noise at most; When using gasoline, a value of 76.4 dB was obtained, equivalent to 89.88 % noise, and when using hydrogen, a value of 71.7 dB was obtained, equivalent to 84.35 % noise, therefore, the total noise reduction was 4.70 dB (5.53 %) than established. The discussion highlighted that hydrogen is a clean fuel, with zero emissions and only emitting water vapor instead of polluting gases [5]. The conclusion highlights the critical importance of the research, supported by the total reduction of 5.53 % of noise with this new technology and in turn external sources support that using hydrogen produced a smoother and quieter combustion; Regarding the useful life of the engine, due to the cleaner and more efficient combustion, the accumulation of waste was reduced, which benefits reducing the wear of internal components and the need for costly maintenance.
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