Effect of Cutting Age on the Productive Indicators and Nutritional Quality of Brachiaria Hybrid vc. Mulato I
chemical composition, energy, digestibility, protein, performanceAbstract
With the objective of determining the productive components, chemical characterization, digestibility and energy contribution of the Brachiaria hybrid vc Mulato I at different ages of cuts in both periods of the year. For which a randomized block design with four repetitions was used. It was sampled in plots of 25 m2, to which a uniformity cut was applied 10 cm from the ground, without irrigation or fertilization. The yield of total dry matter, leaves and stems was determined; the length and width of the leaves; the leaf-stem ratio, chemical composition (CP, NDF, ADF, ADL, CC, Si, P, Ca, ash and OM), energy contributions and digestibility. A double classification analysis of variance was applied to each variable studied and the means were compared according to Duncan. Crude protein decreased with age for both periods, showing significant differences between all ages. The best values were shown at 30 days of cutt (9.47 and 10.40 % in the rainy and dry periods respectively), the fiber increased with age with its best values at 75 days with (71.39 and 70.11 % in the rainy periods and little rain), aspects that conditioned the quality with a decrease in digestibility and energy intake. The yield of the plant was affected by the periods of the year, being higher in the rainy period. It is concluded that the increase in regrowth age directly influences the depression of nutritional quality and yield in both periods of the year.
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