Experimental Analysis of the Effectiveness of Submerged Vanes in Mitigating Local Scour at Quadratic Bridge Piers
local scoure, vortices, submerged vanes, sediment transportAbstract
The use of submerged vanes has been experimentally validated as an effective method for controlling local scour and stabilizing riverine structures. This study evaluates the efficacy of submerged vanes in mitigating local erosion around a square bridge pier. Four experiments were conducted under controlled conditions in the sedimentation channel of the Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National Polytechnic School in Quito, Ecuador. Acrylic submerged vanes were installed upstream of the pier at a 15° attack angle relative to the flow direction, aiming to modify the velocity distribution and sediment transport dynamics. The experimental results showed that submerged vanes reduced the maximum scour depth by up to 60 % compared to tests without vanes, with an average reduction of approximately 58 %. This significant reduction was attributed to the generation of vortices that redistributed sediment, resulting in shallower and more stable scour holes. Furthermore, the average sediment transport downstream decreased by approximately 40 %, further validating the vanes' efficiency in controlling erosive processes. The vanes demonstrated consistent effectiveness across varying flow rates and sedimentation conditions, underscoring their practical adaptability. By modifying flow dynamics and reducing bed shear stress, the vanes provided reliable scour protection regardless of the hydraulic conditions tested. This study highlights the submerged vanes' potential as a viable, economical, and innovative solution for protecting riverine infrastructures, particularly bridge piers, against erosive forces. Their scalability and adaptability to different hydraulic conditions make them suitable for mitigating scour in river systems with high sediment transport activity and for retrofitting existing infrastructure to enhance its stability. This research contributes to the body of knowledge on local scour mitigation by presenting a replicable experimental methodology and emphasizing the practical applicability of submerged vanes. in hydraulic engineering. The findings suggest that submerged vanes are not only effective but also cost-efficient, making them a promising alternative to traditional scour protection methods such as riprap or aprons.
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