Effect of idling and power demand on fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions from taxis
taxis, ecodriving, well-to-wheel CO₂ emissions, on-board diagnosis, idling, vehicle specific power (VSP)Abstract
Urban driving worldwide is characterized by frequent vehicle idling due to traffic congestion, which significantly impacts fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. While strategies such as eco-driving techniques and start-stop systems have been studied extensively in various regions, limited research has been conducted to assess their effects in Latin America. This study evaluates the impact of idling, traffic, and ecodriving on fuel consumption and well-to-wheel (WTW) CO₂ emissions in urban taxi operations under real traffic conditions in Ecuador. Real-world driving data were collected using on-board diagnostics (OBD). A key innovation of this research is the assessment of alternative scenarios, with reduced idling times and power demand, based on the Vehicle Specific Power (VSP) approach. As result, five scenarios were examined: baseline, eco-driving, low traffic, start-stop technology, and a combined scenario. The results shows that urban driving resulted in the highest WTW CO₂ emissions (354 gCO₂/km) compared with rural and highway driving. The combined scenario, which merges lower power demand with start-stop technology, achieved the greatest improvements, reducing WTW CO₂ emissions and fuel consumption by 15% compared to the baseline scenario. Annually, the combined scenario could avoid 3.68 tons of CO₂ emitted per vehicle and fuel savings of 870 USD. These findings underscore the potential of ecodriving and start-stop technology in reducing fuel consumption and emissions to mitigate the environmental impact of road transportation.
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