Extraction purification and characterization of trypsin inhibitors from Andean seeds
Trypsin inhibitor, covalent immobilization, Amaranthus hybridus LAbstract
This work established the conditions of covalent immobilization of trypsin on a Sepharose matrix, which could be applied for the purification of trypsin inhibitors. The higher values of retention of enzymatic activity and immobilized enzymatic activity were obtained with a Sepharose 6B-CL matrix, at room temperature, a pH value of 10.5, an enzymatic load of 25 mg/mL, and a minimum immobilization time of 12 hours, in order to obtain a stable immobilization. The most active trypsin inhibitors were selected through the comparison of, extracts obtained from the seeds of amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.), pea (Pisum sativum), lupine or “chocho” (Lupinus mutabilis), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and “sangorache” (Amaranthus hybridus L.). The inhibitors were partially purified using centrifugal ultrafiltration, heat treatment, and TCA precipitation. The permeated and retained fractions of “sangorache” were selected as the most active trypsin inhibitors, and they were selectively purified using affinity chromatography in a Trypsin - Glyoxyl - Sepharose 6B-CL matrix. The kinetic characterization showed the presence of two inhibitors; the first one corresponded to a competitive inhibitor, while the second one behaved as a mixed inhibitor.
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