Evaluation of extraction of fatty acids from sardine’s head (Opisthonema libertate) by-product of fishing industry


  • Belén Carrillo Escuela Politécnica Nacional
  • Mauricio Mosquera Escuela Politécnica Nacional




fatty acids, hydrolysis, omega-3, saponification, sardine


Polyunsaturated fatty acids are bioactive compounds employed as nutritional supplements in the food and pharmaceutical industry, those are present in blue fish like sardine (Opisthonema libertate). The purpose of this investigation was the recovery of these acids from sardine heads. A basic hydrolysis was carried out in order to extract the oil. NaOH was the hydrolyzing agent, tested in four concentrations. As a result, 3.64 % was the highest percentage of saponified oil recovery, with a concentration of 1M NaOH. This base allowed simultaneously saponify the recovered oil in the extraction. The influence of temperature and the concentration of H2SO4 in the isolation of fatty acids by the acidulation process was analyzed. The best experimental condition of the process was given at 20 °C and 75 % of H2SO4 concentration in the extracted oil, it was determined 2233.70 μg/mL of fatty acids, where 82.55% corresponded to saturated fatty acids, 13.72% to monounsaturated acids and 3.73% to polyunsaturated acids. Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids, was emphasized the presence of eicosapentaenoic acid EPA (omega-3) with a concentration of 73.12 μg/mL.


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How to Cite

Carrillo, B., & Mosquera, M. (2017). Evaluation of extraction of fatty acids from sardine’s head (Opisthonema libertate) by-product of fishing industry. Enfoque UTE, 8(4), pp. 68 – 85. https://doi.org/10.29019/enfoqueute.v8n4.173


