Effect of the application of nutritive solution for the initial growth of Polylepis racemosa at hatchery level
nutritious solution, growth, fertigation, Polylepis racemosaAbstract
Afforestation and reforestation programs with emphasis on ecological sustainability focus their efforts on the protection of water sources, eroded soils recovery, and the establishment of agroforestry systems in high altitude areas, where quality plants are required. The present study aims to determine the response in aerial and foliar growth of nursery yagual (Polylepis racemosa) to the application of different nutritive solutions after transplantation. A completely randomized blocks (RCB) experimental design was established with seven treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted in the use of a mixture of three fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and mono potassium phosphate) at three different concentrations (100-50-100 (D1), 150-75-150 (D2), 200-100-200 (D3) mg.L-1NPK respectively), and two application frequencies (two (F1) and three (F2) times per week), plus a control treatment. The analyzed variables were the total height (hT) and the number of leaves (N° H). According to the results, the largest height and the greatest number of leaves were obtained when fertilizing with 200-100-200 mg.L-1 NPK, with three times per week applications for 120 days. On the other hand, the treatment that rendered the shortest plants and lowest number of leaves was the D1-F1 combination, which, in the case of leaf number, was not significantly different from the control.
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